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Color Corps Request - Shrine's 50th Anniversary Mass

Nov 19, 2009 Brothers:

The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception will celebrate their 50th anniversary with a special Mass on Thursday, November 19th, at 5:00 PM. The Fourth Degree has been asked to provide an Honor Guard for this special Mass which will also celebrate the closing of the meeting of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops being held in Washington DC that week.

Dress for the Mass will be full Color Corps regalia less the sword. We are asked to report to the Immaculate Conception Chapel on the lower level of the Basilica no later than 4:00 PM.

I ask that all Navigators forward this to their membership and get back to District Marshal Tom Trudeau ( or 804-693-1144) with preliminary counts no later than November 10th so that he may send a report to the Provincial Marshal. Adjustments to those counts can then be made after the 10th.

Thanks for your cooperation. I hope to see as many of you there as possible on the 19th.


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